DIY essential oil perfume
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DIY essential oil perfume

An array of essential oil diy perfumeLet’s be honest: we all love to smell (and feel!) beautiful. But most perfumes — including high-end designer brands — are filled with synthetic fragrances and chemical stabilizers.

Ever breathe in a whiff of perfume and get an instant headache? That’s your body saying this stuff is toxic!

In fact, whenever we talk about reducing exposure to hormone-disrupting toxins, beauty and personal care products loaded with heavy artificial ingredients are at the top of the list of what to avoid.

Luckily, essential oils offer a unique, natural fragrance that smells just as good (if not better!) than chemical perfume — without the toxins and endocrine disruptors.

Try our simple recipe to make a naturally sweet floral scent!

Essential Oil Perfume


  • 2 Tbsp distilled vodka (witch hazel works too!)
  • 20 drops citrus (orange, tangerine or lemon) essential oil
  • 20 drops lavender essential oil
  • 5 drops of cedarwood or patchouli essential oil
  • Distilled water

Add vodka and essential oils to a small (2 oz) blue or amber glass spray bottle. Fill remainder of bottle with distilled water. Shake gently before use. Tip: Spray on pulse points (these spots emit heat) to help fragrance develop faster.

You can mix and match your favorite essential oils to make your own unique blend — we love sweet orange, jasmine, vanilla, ylang ylang, and rose too!

Last Updated: June 9, 2021
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