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The disruptive role of insulin metabolism and how to fix it

Your body makes glucose out of food to fuel your cells but that doesn’t mean that glucose is always good. In fact, having too much of it is one of our biggest health threats.

The problem is, we eat too many simple carbs. These trigger the release of insulin to tell the cells to absorb the extra glucose. Otherwise, sugar levels in the blood get too high, which the body — and especially the brain — can’t tolerate.

Blood sugar scale

But over time, the cells stop listening to all that insulin. This is known as insulin resistance, which can lead to type 2 diabetes. One third of Americans are predicted to develop type 2 diabetes, and the health consequences of that are terrible.

But there are other negative effects of imbalanced insulin metabolism. Weight gain, hormonal imbalance, high blood pressure, PCOS, mood swings — it’s a long list.

While conventional doctors test blood sugar levels during annual exams, they often wait until you are teetering on the threshold of diabetes before they give you the heads up. But insulin metabolism is a key aspect of good health. The sooner you start paying attention to it, the better you’ll feel — and look.

Blood Sugar Balance Blood Sugar Balance

Blood Sugar Balance

For healthy blood sugar, metabolic support & insulin function

Lots of factors are at play when it comes to healthy blood sugar, but you have control over most of them. Growing evidence shows that type 2 diabetes, along with insulin resistance, can often be reversed through diet and exercise.

So don’t wait for another day to go by before you start taking care of your blood sugar balance. We can help you find the right information, diet and lifestyle guidance, and supplements that can bring it all together for you.

Why not take that first step toward better insulin metabolism right now?