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What every woman needs to know about heart health

Cardiovascular disease strikes down a staggering number of women each year — it’s the #1 cause of death among women. Still it doesn’t seem to get the attention it deserves.

A woman making a heart shape to draw attention to natural heart health for women

Why not? First of all, women often worry more about other health threats, especially cancer. And sometimes it seems that health practitioners view heart disease as a bigger problem for men.

Women’s heart health may benefit from the protective effects of estrogen, at least till menopause. But cardiovascular disease is different in women, with a separate and distinct set of common symptoms and warning signs.

Women are worried about the threats of heart attack or stroke but there are other concerning issues caused by poor heart health, including premature aging, impaired function and shortened mortality. Many women may not grasp the full list of risks to their heart health, which include high blood pressure, circulation issues, heart arrhythmias, shortness of breath, obesity and more.

While conventional medicine is great at treating cardiovascular emergencies, no woman wants to wait till she’s having a heart attack or stroke to start thinking about her heart.

So don’t let that happen to you. Today is the right time to discover what you can do to prevent heart disease and stay healthy.

Every day is an opportunity to love your heart a little bit more. No matter where you are on life’s timeline, there is always something positive you can do to support your heart so it can do its job as intended. And we know more now than ever before about how to do that.

Why not take that first step toward a healthier heart right now by clicking on one of the links below?

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