Let’s explore some of the questions we’re frequently asked at Women’s Health Network about HRT. We want to clear up some of the confusion around synthetic, equine–based, and bioidentical forms — and how to figure out what your best options are.
1. My doctor wants me to use Provera. I read that this is a synthetic hormone. Should I?
2. I want to get off Prempro — where do I start?
4. Why am I still getting hot flashes — at the age of 60?!
5. I’ve been experiencing changes in my periods since stopping HRT — is this normal?
6. Are there bioidentical hormones that can help vaginal dryness and frequent UTIs?
8. I live in a very rural area. Should I buy a hormone panel over the internet?
9. What if all my other hormones are low, besides estrogen?
10. Where should I wear my estradiol patch, and how often should I change it?
11. How often should I use my estradiol gel product, and where should I apply it?
12. How hard is it to switch from compounded bioidentical HRT to FDA-approved bioidentical HRT?
13. What if I can’t afford testing for hormone therapy?
14. What about the risks of bioidentical hormone therapy?
1 Stefanick, M. “Treatment of Menopausal Symptoms in the Post-WHI Era.” MTP 040 presented April 7, 2006 at the American College of Physicians meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
2 Holland, J., & Frei, E. 2003. Holland–Frei Cancer Medicine. 6th ed. Ed. Donald W. Kufe, et al. Hamilton, Ontario: B. C. Decker, Inc. URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/bv.fcgi?rid=cmed6.section.5167 (accessed 12.06.2006).