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The real causes of hormonal symptoms

The 9 factors your doctor won’t discuss, but you can control

It turns out that the science of hormonal imbalance is much more advanced than what your doctor is likely to tell you. This matters because what doctors say causes menopause symptoms leaves you helpless, but what the scientists say gives you power over your health.

Watch the video or read the full transcript below for an eye-opening look at what’s really happening in your body — and your hormones — and what you can do to find relief.

Sometimes it’s good to simplify things. Life is complicated enough. But for the important things, like menopause, sometimes we have to dig a little deeper. For many women, menopause symptoms are not just a nuisance; they are a health issue. They are also how your body tells you that something is wrong. And if you aren’t paying attention, your health will only get worse over time.

The conventional story is that menopause is caused by a loss of estrogen, and there is nothing you can do about it — it’s just a part of getting older. You are also told that you need to take drugs to replace the lost estrogen. But those drugs have side effects. Most of them aren’t good. This is why so many women are afraid of medications like HRT or MHT.

But what if menopause symptoms aren’t caused by a lack of estrogen? It turns out there is plenty of evidence for this contrarian point of view. There are many countries, for example, where women don’t suffer menopause symptoms. You often see menopause symptoms in women in their 30s — when they have plenty of estrogen.

When we dig a little deeper into our biology, this mystery is quickly solved. Your body is a little hormone factory, making dozens of hormones. It’s an ecosystem, finely balanced, and constantly in motion. Hormones are signals to cells and organs, which tell them what to do moment by moment. They regulate your appetite, temperature, metabolism, fertility, and much more.

Your hormones are integrated with all the other systems of your body. Your nervous system, digestion, immune system, blood chemistry — everything is connected and kept in balance by your hormones. But your hormones, like all ecosystems, have a natural balance that can be upset. Just as our environment is vulnerable to pollution, climate change, and overuse, your body is vulnerable to toxins, stress, drugs, trauma, and poor diet.

When you shift into imbalance, symptoms develop. And, over time, even disease. That’s why the simple version of menopause isn’t good for you. If your body is out of balance, drugs may mask the symptoms, but they don’t fix the problem. The science of all this is, in fact, very well understood — it’s settled science.

Nine major factors impair this system and are the causes of hormonal symptoms.

  • Stress. Perhaps the most common is stress, which disrupts everything.
  • Excess sugar. Too many carbs hurt your insulin metabolism, which also disrupts everything.
  • Poor diet. A weak diet starves your endocrine system of the nutrients and co-factors it needs to function.
  • Impaired microbiome. The poor diet impairs your microbiome, which is a key part of the ecosystem.
  • Weight. Most of us are overweight, and those fat cells create hormonal cross-talk—a kind of noise.
  • Lack of exercise. Studies show that most of us don’t get enough exercise either, which our bodies depend on.
  • Medications. Prescription drugs have many benefits, but they can also disrupt your endocrine system.
  • Inflammation. Most of us also have some form of systemic inflammation, another upsetting factor.

Many women have suffered from hormonal imbalance for so long it’s done long-term damage to organs and key glands like the thyroid and adrenal glands. By addressing these factors, however, we support our body and create an inner environment where our hormones can do their job and keep our systems in balance.

There are several key takeaways from this deeper understanding of menopause and the real causes of hormonal symptoms. First, adding a simple drug to this system doesn’t solve the underlying problems. Second, it’s easy to understand why conventional medicine doesn’t tell you about this. They don’t have time, and these kinds of changes don’t fit into their model of care. Third, you have a lot of control over the factors that disrupt your hormonal balance.

You may not be able to fix them overnight, but you can see fast improvement and long-term solutions, naturally. Most importantly, you see that your menopause symptoms aren’t just a nuisance — they’re signals that you’ve got to make some changes in your life. We’re here to help you do that. We offer a lot of resources on our site, from free information to top-quality supplements, and always, our free 5-star phone support.

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Herbal Equilibrium

Doctor-formulated natural support for hormonal balance during perimenopause and menopause

Last Updated: October 23, 2024
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