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10 Ayurvedic self-care tips for winter, Ayurveda suggests we modify our diet and lifestyle according to the season. Learn 10 easy Ayurvedic self-care tips for winter and keep your health glowing.

Best DIY hair oil treatment for winter hair, Is winter synonymous with you having parched hair and a dry flaky scalp? You can cover your head with with a hat and hope for the best, but we recommend taking a different approach. Give your hair a treat this season with our easy DIY warming hair oil. It restores moisture and shine and helps […]

What can you do to prevent gray hair?, By Dr. Mary James, ND You may well remember the famous ad on television about hair color. There’s  a woman with beautiful dark hair and her friends are asking each other: “Does she or doesn’t she?” The question of course is — does she use hair dye to cover up her gray hair? These days, […]

6 surprising health benefits of drinking warm water in the morning, It’s a powerful holistic elixir that costs next to nothing and couldn’t be easier to prepare. We’re talking about warm water, a minimalist health beverage that helps with everything from digestion to detox, and much more.  Starting your day with a cup warm water (on an empty stomach) is believed to optimize its benefits. Here’s what […]

DIY sinus rinse for allergy relief, Seasonal allergies flaring up? Gently rinsing your nasal passages with a saline solution helps to open up the nasal passages, clear out mucus and remove the pollen and other irritants causing all the problems in the first place. Performed with a neti pot or bulb syringe, sinus flushing has its origins in Ayurvedic medicine. Want […]

Do blue light blocking glasses really work?,   Does your bedtime routine include scrolling through your smartphone? Instead of helping you unwind and fall asleep, nighttime device use could be the very thing that’s keeping you awake. Why? Smartphones and other digital devices like tablets, laptops, and televisions emit blue light, a wavelength of light that our brains are hardwired to associate with […]

Kundalini nostril breathing — a quick way to restore calm, Did you know that when people are under stress, they tend to breathe mostly through their right nostrils? The right nostril is connected to the left brain, and this connection is thought to be part of what activates the body’s classic stress response: dilated pupils, increased core temperature, sweating, and increased heart rate and blood […]

3 steps to better dry brushing, By Hayley McKinnon Dry brushing the skin really is as simple as it sounds—a firm, bristled brush is swept across the skin, from toe to head. It’s called “dry” brushing because you do it before you bathe or shower when your skin and the brush are completely dry. There are so many good things that […]

3 walking workouts we love, By Sherri Young, RN, Nurse-Educator If you enjoy walking for exercise but want to supercharge the benefits, consider transforming your walks into workouts. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is. We love working walkouts because you can customize them to your current level of fitness, and then add intensity from there. A few walking […]

3 ways to make your face mask more effective, Boost your homemade cloth face mask’s ability to filter germs.

How to prevent chronic UTIs — tips from a doctor, The good news — there’s a lot you can do to prevent chronic UTIs. Here are some tips to get you started.

Soothe sore muscles with our DIY muscle rub, Try our homemade muscle rub recipe that uses ingredients from your kitchen.

Why we – often but not always – criticize doctors, Shouldn’t women be allowed to ask questions of their doctors? We think so.

Your prescription drugs may have more side effects than you’re told — here’s why, Even your doctor may not know the risks of new prescription drugs and their true side effects.

Why your doctor is wrong about chronic UTIs, When you suffer frequent UTIs, it’s clear that antibiotics aren’t enough. Here’s why — and what to do instead.

Tips for safe prenatal yoga, Prenatal yoga is loaded with physical, mental and energetic benefits — here are tips to keep practicing yoga safely for as long as you can through your pregnancy.

You may be taking too many drugs. But how can you tell?, Could you be taking too many prescription drugs? What Dr. James has to say and questions you should ask yourself about your health, medications, symptoms and side effects.

5 chair yoga poses for all levels, Chair yoga poses are great for all levels — whether you’re a senior, a beginner, or have limited mobility, this chair yoga sequence is for you.

Welcome winter with a solstice meditation ceremony, Welcome the winter season with this winter solstice meditation. You can do it on your own, or invite others to join in your celebration.

6 ways to hangover-proof your holidays, Just in case! Use these tips to enjoy your holidays without any morning-after regrets.

Stretches to do if you’re on your feet all day, Simple stretches for the feet and legs can make a big difference for women who are standing all day. Here are some ideas for relief.

How to stay motivated to meditate, You tried meditation for a few days — and then got too busy or distracted. Here are easy tips to make meditation a daily part of your life.

How to exercise as you age: 6 tips from an orthopedic surgeon, How can you keep up your exercise routine as you get older? Dr. Pier Boutin — an orthopedic surgeon and athlete — shares her top 6 tips.

Is genetic testing a good idea?, You may be curious about genetic tests from 23andMe and others like it. But before you order one, here are the risks vs benefits of consumer-oriented genetics testing.

5 surprising signs of fatty liver disease you can’t ignore, Fatty liver disease has recently become the most widespread chronic liver disease in the U.S. Here are the signs to see if your liver is at risk.

4 simple yoga postures to do in bed for better sleep, Trouble sleeping? Here are 4 simple yoga poses for better sleep that you can actually do in bed.

Chakras for beginners, Energy medicine has been around for thousands of years. One of its basic ideas is the chakras, virtual spinning wheels of energy in different areas of the body. Here’s what you need to know about their functions and powers.

Yoga stretches you can do at work, We all spend too much time sitting — at our desks, in our cars, even on planes. Here’s how to relieve the negative side effects with simple yoga poses you can do at work.

What are the different types of yoga?, Yoga can be for anyone, but the varieties can be overwhelming. Here are several choices to help you decide which types are best for you.

How to choose a yoga mat and clothing, Choosing a yoga mat or clothing doesn’t have to be overwhelming with these expert tips.

Yoga props for your home practice, Try these simple yoga props — and do-it-yourself options — to make your home yoga practice even better.

First yoga class? Here’s what to expect., If you’re curious about yoga but taking a class seems overwhelming, a yoga teacher shares tips to get started.

Yoga poses for stress relief, These yoga poses for stress bring the mind and body together into balance and calmness by turning on the parasympathetic nervous system.

9 surprising signs of dehydration, Are you dehydrated? Here’s help to recognize signs of dehydration and to drink more water.

6 yoga poses for low back pain, You can find real relief from your low back pain with these 6 yoga poses that release stress and help your body find balance.

Positive affirmations – how to get started, Affirmations are an easy method to change your negative thoughts into positive force.

6 Supported Bridge Pose options to get the benefits without stress or strain, With so many variations of Supported Bridge Pose, you can find the one that is best for you and your body and still reap the benefits.

Can’t meditate? Yes, you can — here’s how!, Learning to meditate is easier than you think. Here’s a simple guide to get you started with meditation and mindfulness.

5 yoga poses for every body, To do yoga, you don’t have to be super flexible, muscular or uber fit. You just have to be willing and able. Here are 5 poses to try.

Why you should stop doing #yogaeverydamnday, Get out of your rut and revitalize your practice with rest days, reading, and meditation — here’s how.

The odds are 50/50 you have the MTHFR gene mutation. Here’s why that’s a problem., Studies suggest you may have up to a 50% chance of carrying a genetic mutation that could have a significant impact on your health, but there is a simple solution to improve your symptoms.

How to become ecstatically happy, So many of us wish we were happier. But what if you could feel not only happy, but ecstatic? Barbara tells us how.

6 natural remedies for cold and flu season, Looking for natural ways to stop the cold and flu this year? These 6 natural remedies are great ways to bolster your immune system.

5 yoga poses to minimize headaches, Yoga can help both to prevent and relieve headaches. Here are 5 poses that really work.

The introvert’s guide to talking with your doctor, My favorite tips to make your next doctor’s visit a little less stressful and a lot more effective.

Why BMI is a bad measure of your health, Everybody talks about BMI. But it’s actually not a great measure of your health.

What your doctor won’t tell you about antibiotics, A naturopathic doctor talks about the health risks of antibiotics and how to protect yourself before and after.

To flu shot — or not?, The flu shot is increasingly controversial. Here’s what you need to know to decide for yourself.

Sun Salutations to fix the winter blues, Here are 4 reasons sun salutations can help you fight the winter blues. Plus, easy poses to get started.

Too tired to exercise? Here’s what to do., For those days you just want much-needed couch time, here are ways to get moving.

How to be a ‘superager’, Neurologist Julie Schwartzbard MD explains the lifestyle choices ‘superagers’ make that help them maintain their youthful cognitive function during the aging process.

4 easy ways to maximize the benefits of walking, I’m always looking to get the most benefit I can out of the time that I already walk, so here’s what I recommend for maximizing your walking.

5 best things to change when you turn 60, At this point in your life, you may be determined to make some changes and try new things here are 5 great changes to make when you turn 60.

Help for urinary incontinence, There’s one hormonal imbalance symptom that not many women wish to discuss… urinary incontinence. But so many of us experience it – up to 70% of perimenopausal and menopausal women – that I think it’s important to discuss!

How to have more joy in your life, Have you ever asked yourself what being happy really has to do with being healthy? Or what steps you can take today toward creating more joy in your life?

Positive affirmations for calming fall frenzy, Is it just me, or is the transition into fall somewhat bittersweet? While the idea of bidding warm nights and beach weekends adieu is hard, there is a certain comfort in resuming September’s routines.

5 tips to relieve nausea, Butterflies in your stomach are okay when something wonderful is about to happen, but feeling nauseated is no fun at all.

Alternative medicine — can it help you?, Reviewed by Dr. Mary James, ND Alternative medicine can describe almost anything outside the conventional Western medical model. In the conventional model, you’re seen by “specialists” — gastroenterologists for digestion problems, orthopedists for joint pain, psychiatrists for depression and so on. With alternative medicine, your body’s systems are seen as interconnected and dependent on each […]

Women’s unique health needs, Historically women’s maladies were often discounted as hysteria, depression, and psychosomatic. Even today women’s complaints aren’t always taken as seriously as men’s. A recent study from the Netherlands reported that women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were more likely than men to have a delay in referrals to specialists, even though disease activity was similar in […]

Five ways to kick the winter blues, As temperatures get colder and sunlight becomes scarce, some of us experience more cravings, more fatigue, and just generally feel blue. Women wonder, Is it depression? Is it seasonal affective disorder? What’s wrong with me? There are certainly psychological aspects to the winter blues. Yet we’ve found that there are also some very real physical […]

Take time to breathe for your health, You may be surprised that something as simple as deep breathing aids your body in many of the same ways exercise does. Sound far-fetched? Think about it: In order to function, cells need oxygen. It’s so vital that if we’re deprived of oxygen for more than just a few minutes, we die. Breathing is also […]

Seven myths about women’s health, In a world saturated by media messages, it can be difficult to sort out the good information about health from the bad. On a daily basis, we talk to women whose health choices have been led astray — sometimes greatly astray — by misinformation promoted as “health facts” in popular magazines, television shows, or on […]

Money basics, In recent years, women have begun making more money. There are more women listed in the Fortune 500, and there are many more independent women now than a generation before. Despite these trends, for many of us, money still remains a taboo topic. We hope to get you started (or restarted) on your road to […]

Homeopathic medicine, Reviewed by Dr. Sharon Stills, NMD Homeopathy, also known as homeopathic medicine, is a time-tested healing modality used successfully around the world. Homeopathy is based on a premise called the Law of Similars: The very same substances that make you sick can be used in minute amounts to heal your body and relieve your symptoms. […]

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