Symptoms of digestive issues
The digestive system is the root of all health. It’s where you get nutrition for every cell in your body, including support for your immune system. If it is irritated, inflamed or constipated, it cannot do its job, and your health will steadily decline as a result.
“I noticed an immediate difference in myself. First, I have much more energy. I also have much clearer thinking, my joints aren’t achy, and the chronic bowel issues I’d been having for years disappeared!”
Brenda, customer
Over 65% of the women who we talk to report frequent bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation or difficulty with digestion. These are signs of dysbiosis, or poor digestive function, that can lead over time to multiple negative effects:
- Poor absorption of nutrients, which affects overall natural body function and health. In many cases your weight may increase at the same time you are starving your body of the nutrition it needs.
- Compromised immune function, chronic infection and triggering of autoimmune diseases.
- Food sensitivities or food allergies.
- Progressive deterioration of the intestinal wall, leading to such problems as leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease, and others, that together affect millions of Americans.
- Systemic inflammation, which contributes to heart disease, arthritis, joint pain and muscle stiffness, skin disorders such as dry skin, adult acne, rosacea and psoriasis, and more.
Literally millions of women are affected by these disorders. Many drug therapies only treat the symptoms, and in some cases exacerbate the problems.
Why such an epidemic of problems?
The underlying cause is poor nutrition, which leads in time to imbalances in the intestinal flora of the gut. Most of us don’t realize that the friendly bacteria that reside in our digestive tract are effectively an organ of the body. And a big one — each of us has over three pounds of bacteria in our small intestine! The conventional high-carb American diet, heavy on sugars and processed foods, is really a formula for dysbiosis.
What are signs of a healthy digestive tract?
No upper indigestion or acid reflux (heartburn). Little or no regular gas, bloating or flatulence. Regular soft and formed bowel movements once or twice a day. No partially digested food or oils in the stool. No intestinal cramping or pain with foods or with defecation. No joint pain or stiffness. No skin problems. A healthy physical exam and appearance in general that reflects good nutrition.
What can you do for healing your digestive tract?
Minimize sugars, wheat and dairy and see if your symptoms improve. Eat nutritious meals and add a medical-grade nutritional supplement. Try a high-quality digestive enzyme with meals. If your symptoms don’t respond, get an probiotic to help restore proper bacterial balance. Remember to drink lots of water and chew your food very well. Extra magnesium at bedtime is also a great help for softer stools.
We’ve been very successful with our Health Programs helping women relieve their digestive issues.