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How to increase your metabolism

By Dr. Amber Hayden, DO

For years, researchers and scientists assumed that our “set point” for weight and metabolism was inherited from our parents and there is little we can do to change it. Your set point weight refers to the specific body-to-fat ratio (within 10-15 pounds) that optimizes your chances for survival. And because our bodies like stability, our metabolisms defend that “ideal” weight, making it seem impossible to change.

This may become an issue when you’re trying to lose that “last 10 pounds” or maintain recent weight loss results. Recently, however, it’s become clear that this set weight isn’t etched in stone, and as we learn more about which factors determine the rate of metabolism, we’ve uncovered how to influence a person’s ideal weight.

woman increase metabolism

The rate of your metabolism is generally determined by four factors: age, hormones, genetics, and body composition. Age and genetics are impossible to change, but hormones, body composition and the way food “talks” to your genes can be altered. And in doing so, you can optimize your metabolism to reach your weight goals.

5 steps to optimize your metabolism

1. Eat a healthy diet. Include protein (nuts, legumes, fish, eggs and lean meat), fiber (fruits and vegetables), complex carbohydrates (beans, brown rice, quinoa), and healthy fats (especially omega-3 fatty acids). We also recommend avoiding sugar (including artificial sugars), refined carbohydrates (white rice and bread) and unhealthy fats (saturated fats, trans fats and cholesterol). Be sure to start the day with a healthy breakfast and consider the option of eating five smaller, more frequent meals rather than three large meals per day.

2. Find exercise you love. Building muscle provides a direct boost to your metabolism by increasing the number and size of your mitochondria, the cellular workhorses that turn food and oxygen into energy. Your goal is to move your body enough to work up a sweat about five times per week for a minimum of 30 minutes. Hiking through the woods, swimming, dancing, yoga — choose something you enjoy and that makes you feel good.

3. Balance your hormones. Sex hormones such as estrogen have powerful effects on the rate at which we store and burn fat. During menopause, it’s common for women to retain more weight around the belly because fat can actually produce estrogen to make up for lowering levels elsewhere. Also, cortisol, the adrenal hormone, signals the body to hold on to fat and slow the metabolism as a response to stress. Targeted herbs can help counteract these effects by balancing stress and sex hormones, and we have several great multibotanicals to help with this in our shop.

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4. Prioritize sleep, stress relief and happiness. Leptin affects metabolism by helping us feel full and influencing ghrelin, “the hunger hormone,” cortisol and thyroid hormone levels. Because leptin levels rise during sleep, lack of sleep subsequently leads to low leptin which slows metabolism and drives us to eat more. Cortisol tells our bodies to store fat during stressful periods in preparation for a crisis. That’s how chronic stress tends to produce “stubborn fat” that our bodies hold onto even as we try to lose weight. Stress relieving practices such as yoga, deep breathing, meditation and massage can lower cortisol levels, and keep the body from storing fat. Studies have shown that happiness is a key aspect of health. Using laughter therapy with type 2 diabetic patients changed how more than 23 different genes were expressed. And that resulted in the study participants’ bodies shifting toward the prevention of a range of metabolic imbalances. To affect your metabolism, we recommend placing a priority on getting regular sleep — at least 7-9 hours per night — as well as making time for more relaxation and fun.

5. Explore natural metabolism boosters. Certain vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and herbs naturally support a healthy metabolism. Consider trying any of these:

  • B vitamins
  • Green tea
  • Cinnamon
  • Turmeric
  • Chromium
  • Alpha lipoic acid
  • L-Carnitine L-Tartrate
  • Calcium and magnesium
  • Vitamin D
  • Mangosteen
  • Indian sphaeranthus

We’ve made it easy for you to see what these herbs can do for you with our product, M-Boost. This exclusive metabolic formula includes B vitamins, green tea extract, alpha lipoic acid, mangosteen, Indian spaeranthus and more to support your metabolism and help keep your body from storing extra fat.

You can make a difference!

While there is no silver bullet for speeding up your metabolism, you can strongly influence your metabolism and weight when you start with the basics of eating right and finding time to exercise. We know these simple steps are not all that easy to include in your already busy life. So we’ve put together a Weight Loss Resistance Program with everything you need to support your metabolism including a real-life meal plan, effective supplements like M-Boost, and key tips on sleep, stress relief and happiness. You can make a difference in your metabolism and we can help.


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References & further reading on nutrients to support healthy metabolism

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See also:
Li, Y., et al. 2010. Effects of multivitamin and mineral supplementation on adiposity, energy expenditure and lipid profiles in obese Chinese women. Int. J. Obes. (Lond.), 34 (6), 1070–1077. URL (abstract): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20142823 (accessed 03.30.2010).

References & further reading on metabolic macronutrients

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Last Updated: October 13, 2024
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